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about 4 years ago by Christina Weldai

Coronavirus: Keep Yourself, Staff and Pupils Safe


Coronavirus: How to Keep Yourself, Staff and Pupils Safe

With the unpredictability of COVID-19, we need to ensure we are doing everything in our power to ensure our own safety, and the safety of those around us. This is no different in a school setting. In line with government guidelines, it is vital that everybody adheres to the following:

HANDS - Wash your hands regularly and for at least 20 seconds

FACE - Wear a face covering in indoor settings where social distancing may be difficult

SPACE - Stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place (such as wearing face coverings or increasing ventilation indoors

While working in a school, the following precautions will help limit the likelihood of you catching and/or passing COVID-19 around the school.

Keep Safe on Site

Only authorized staff, students and visitors should be allowed on the premises. No other visitors should go on site, unless absolutely necessary or in emergencies.

Risk Assessments

Employers are required to assess the circumstances of each employee individually before requiring them to attend the workplace. Ensure your employer is aware if you as classed as vulnerable and if it is not safe for you to continue working at the moment.

Maintain Adequate Cleaning

The virus can be transmitted from surfaces that are touched. Cleaning should be carried out regularly to ensure a high standard of cleanliness. You can help out by cleaning equipment and surfaces throughout the day and before you leave.

Coughing and Sneezing

Staff and students must cover their mouth and nose with a bent elbow, or use a tissue, when coughing or sneezing. Hands must be washed after coughing or sneezing, with soap and warm water. It is best to keep windows open for ventilation.

Avoiding Physical Contact

Physical contact with students should be avoided as far as is possible. Try to find alternative means to comfort young children that does not involve physical contact. Students should be spread out as far as possible when in the classroom and when eating – ideally 2 metres apart from staff.

One-way Systems

Introducing markings on the floor will help everyone to maintain the necessary distance. Students should walk single file when moving about the building and where possible, lunch and break times should be staggered.

Staying Up To Date

It is vital to stay well informed of any changes in government guidelines and feedback any concerns you may have, to ensure that everyone stays safe.

Self-isolating: Stay at Home

If you develop any COVID-19 related symptoms, get yourself tested and self – isolate if needed.

Please visit for up to date guidance in relation to COVID-19, and let’s all work together to keep each other safe!